Make Do & Mend: 7 Thrifty Ways to Recycle Carpet Remnants

recycle your carpet remnants

What are Carpet Remnants and Why Recycle Them?

Carpet remnants are those extra odd-shaped pieces of carpet that are left over when you install a new carpet. You should recycle carpet remnants because you will be doing your part to protect the environment. You will also save money on home projects. Even if you don’t have remnants lying around, you can pick them up brilliantly cheaply from carpet suppliers and turn them into something special on a shoestring! Visit your carpet retailer today to buy cheap carpet remnants online. Here are several thrifty ways to recycle carpet remnants…

Thrifty Ways to Recycle Carpet Remnants

1)    Turn carpet remnants into rugs. If you have a long runner, you could cut it and bind it with strong tape – such as pressure sensitive seaming tape. The seams will not be perfect, but they will not be noticeable if you do the binding right. You could also sell the rugs you make if you do not need any for your own home. There are several YouTube videos that you could watch for tips on how to make rugs.

2)    If you have small children, you could use carpet remnants in designated play areas for your little ones. The remnant can be used in the kitchen when you are cooking, in the living room when you have company, and so on. You could use a remnant on an outdoor deck where a carpet does not match the rest of the deck décor or is not practical because of rain and direct sunlight. Toys usually fall through cracks in outdoor decks and the uneven surface is not child friendly.

3)    You could use a remnant for your stretching, yoga, and other exercises. Lying down on a new carpet for yoga, stretching, and other exercises is not advisable because it leads to the rapid degradation of the carpet in some sections.

4)    A carpet remnant can ensure that your garden paths are weed-free. Simply place pieces of remnants upside down and cover them with straw or mulch.

5)    Carpet remnants will come in handy if you are a pet owner. Cats love to scratch and you can make a scratching post for your cat. This will help prevent the damage to your sofa and other furniture by the cat. You could also cut out a carpet remnant and place it under your kitty’s litter box if it has a habit of leaving a mess. Remnants can also be used in the making of outdoor doghouses and dog beds.

6)    Consider keeping some of the carpet remnants in storage because they could come in handy in case you want to make repairs. Carpets can be damaged by such things as water. If you do not have remnants, you might be forced to replace the whole carpet. You could also use carpet remnants in high traffic areas as runners to prevent deterioration.

7)    You could sell carpet remnants online. The remnants are then sold to environment conservation groups and to other interested parties.

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